
What is OTDR And How To Use?

OTDR (OpticalTimeDomainReflectmeter) OTDR Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OpticalTimeDomainReflectmeter) is short for Optical Time Domain Reflectometer test of its fiber has a non-destructive, single-ended intervention, intuitive and fast unique advantages. With OTDR optical fiber testing can be divided into three steps: parameter setting, access to data and curve analysis. Manually set the measurement parameters including wavelength selection, and pulse width settings, measuring range, the average time.
(1)Select the wavelength: due to the different wavelengths corresponding to different light enamel reactor characteristics, general test wavelength should follow the principle of corresponding to the communication system transmission wavelength, that is open 1310nm wavelength, the test wavelength of 1310nm.
(2)Set the pulse width: the longer the pulse width, the greater the dynamic range, the longer the distance measurement, but have a greater test blind, short-pulse injection test short distance, but can reduce the blind spot.
(3) Measuring range: OTDR measurement range refers to the OTDR to obtain the maximum distance of data sampling, the choice of this parameter determines the size of the sampling resolution, the best measurement range of about 1.5 times the length of the fiber under test.
(4) The average time: Due to the scattered light signal is extremely weak, the general use of statistical averaging method to improve the signal to noise ratio, the average of the longer signal to noise ratio the higher the The general idea of the fault location in optical transmission systems: the first external, after the transfer. That is the fault location, first rule out the possible factors of the external, such as broken cables, power outages, and then consider the transmission equipment.Therefore, how to accurately locate the point of failure significant cause live Chui plug ring suck, resulting in displacement of lower. Lower the temperature, we can solve the problem.
Here we must note two points: (1) the environmental temperature is not high, does not exceed 40 ℃. (2) If the valve leakage, high temperature exhaust gas will return to the cylinder. At this time we should carefully check valve grinding disc or replace the valve, to eliminate air leaks, it was possible to solve the ultra-high temperature. Changde Ling Park Hunan oil-free air compressor air compressor for each field, to dusting pile driver, live Chui plug no oil, oil air compressor, screw air compressor, shotcrete, air compressor machine equipment, sand blasting anti-corrosion, fully equipped production facilities, manufacturers of direct leasing, and construction.
This blog reproduced from http://www.fiber-optical-networking-products.com/ more information please visit fiberstore.

